Health benefits of Phenylethylamine and where to buy online

Health benefits of Phenylethylamine and where to buy online

Health Benefits of Phenylethylamine

Phenylethylamine is known for improving concentration and reduce fatigue and symptoms rated to burnout. Those who are struggling with brain fog and reduced motivation are often found taking this supplement.

Before trying out PEA, it’s best to educate yourself about it and its potential benefits. Without further ado, read on to find more about it.

What is Phenylethylamine?

It’s an EPA, an organic compound found in the human body that can also be taken orally. Its function is similar to mood-enhancing neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Some studies say it defends against depression, weight gain, and low attention span. However, some lifestyle changes are mandatory.

When Phenylethylamine enters your body, it acts as a central nervous system stimulant. It also helps create certain chemicals in the body that stabilize your mood. Some even say it works similar to Adderall, which is often subscribed to patients with ADHD.

Some studies also tell us the individuals with low quantity on this compound are more prone to poor attention span, depression, and other psychiatric problems.


Health Benefits of taking Phenylethylamine

Have a deeper look into how this stimulant can help:

Improved Focus and Attention

It is believed that Phenylethylamine contains traces of amine. It’s present in the nervous system where it releases the hormones that make you feel good or change your mood. So not only can this compound improve your focus and attention but also help with problem-solving since your mind becomes more alert.

Researchers believe that PEA is a much healthier alternative to other mental health drugs like amphetamine, which has some side effects.

Reduction in Depression

PEA is like an immediate shot of pleasure or happiness. When you take this compound, you feel more alive. Numerous studies conducted on animals show that lower levels of PEA in an individual might be one cause of depression.

Another study indicates that supplement 10 to 60 grams of PEA with an antidepressant can relieve depression.

Improved Athletic Performance

As mentioned earlier, PEA has similar effects as endorphins, it can also be used for supporting athletic performance.

It boosts your energy level and improves your motivation to exercise. If you are struggling to find the motivation to train harder in the gym, taking PEA is going to give you more energy to reach your goals.

Where to Find Phenylethylamine?

Phenylethylamine is present in small quantities in certain foods such as cocoa beans, eggs, natto, and plants having herbs, vines, and shrubs. The best sources of this stimulant include fish, dairy products, chicken, turkey, and beef.

Sometimes, you can’t rely on food items along to get the quantity of PEA your body needs. That’s why PEA supplements are available. No prescription is required for that. Taking this supplement will have an immediate impact on your mood and every level therefore, you must take it in the right quantity. It comes in capsules and powder, making it easier for the body to digest.


The dosage of this supplement depends on your body size, mental health, and medical history. Most doctors recommend starting a lower dosage to causing nervousness and increased heart rate.