How Omega 3, 6 & 9 Affects Your Skin

How Omega 3, 6 & 9 Affects Your Skin

How Omega 3, 6 & 9 Affects Your Skin

Omega fatty acids are found in various plant oils and fish. They are known for their impactful health benefits when consumed through food or taken orally as supplements. Apart from its nutritional benefits, this trio also has great benefits when applied to the skin. Omega 3, 6, and 9 play a crucial role in the skin's inflammatory response, the overall appearance of the skin, and normal skin functions. Here we will discuss the effects of this healthy trio on our skin. 

Helps Reduce Inflammation

The main cause of many skin conditions is body inflammation. Omega 3 is the most important omega fatty acid in this healthy trio that has anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce the inflammation in your body. It also allows the skin cells to be hydrated by keeping the cell membrane in good shape. It inhibits the cytokines, which are the inflammatory molecules, and makes your skin soft.

Treat Acne

Acne is the most common skin condition that makes anyone feel irritated and conscious. People with acne try home remedies to get rid of acne. Omega 6 is the best remedy to treat this skin condition that comes with pimples and spots. In one study, 45 people participants who received gamma-linolenic acid (a form of omega 6) for about 2.5 months showed reduced severity of acne. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of omega 6.

Maintain Hydration

Omega 9 can help maintain the level of hydration within the deeper inner layer of skin. That means if you have dry and flaky skin, omega-9 supplements can rescue you. It helps to keep your skin youthful by improving the elasticity of your skin.

Skin Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition when the excess amount of skin pigment named melanin produces and makes certain areas of skin darker than your natural skin tone. The major cause of this skin condition is intense sun exposure. That's why dermatologists recommend wearing sunscreen while you go outside.  

Linolenic acid, which is the renowned omega 6, which helps to inhibit the main enzyme involved in the production of melanin. This is the reason it is widely used in skin care products due to its potent skin whitening actions.

May Guard Against Itchy and Dry Skin

Omega 3 fatty acids may moisturize your skin and guard against itchy, red, and dry skin caused by psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Studies show that it also appears to improve skin barrier function and keep out irritants. Omega-3s may also improve the sealing of moisture. In another small study, researchers found that women who consumed 2.5 ml of flaxseed oil a day for 12 weeks experienced a 39% increase in their skin hydration.


Linolenic acid packs an antioxidant punch and helps to balance oil and moisture in the skin, which results in increased skin hydration. Moreover, it calms the signs of inflammation and improves visible signs of aging on the skin.

Bottom Line:

These remarkable omega 3, 6, and 9 benefits make this trio a good choice for rejuvenated, healthy, and radiant skin. So if you want healthy and supple skin in no time, buy it from UK's leading health supplements online store, Charge Products.