How Collagen Affects Your Skin

How Collagen Affects Your Skin

The most abundant protein in the human body is collagen. Connective tissues that makeup ligaments, muscles, tendons, and skin contain collagen as its main component. Collagen has beneficial effects on your skin, including boosting skin elasticity, reducing scars and wrinkles, and improving skin health. Your body naturally makes it, but its production decreases as we age. Because we lose collagen with age, people usually take collagen supplements to reap the benefits it offers. In this article, we will discuss how collagen affects your skin.


How Collagen Affects Your Skin


You have heard about collagen in almost skin product ads because it is responsible for reducing the signs of aging, including saggy skin, fine lines, uneven skin tone, and wrinkles. Here's how collagen is beneficial for your skin:


It Helps Smooth Wrinkles and Boosts Skin Elasticity. 


Taking collagen supplements has science-backed benefits for skin health. According to a 2009 review in the journal of drugs in dermatology, collagen supplements were shown to boost elasticity in skin, smooth wrinkles, and keep it hydrated. Researchers analyzed random studies of more than 800 patients who took up 10 grams (small scoop) of collagen supplement in a day to improve their skin health. So researchers found that collagen supplements could help you preserve a youthful appearance. 


Improve Skin Tone


Collagen has amino acids that help improve your skin tone. It keeps the skin even, smooth and healthy. If you have an uneven complexion, collagen supplements can improve it.


Minimize Scars


Acne leaves behind scars that make your skin less attractive. Amino acids found in collagen can minimize the appearance of scars and dark spots. Taking collagen supplements helps promote tissue formation, which improves the healing process. This way, the skin naturally repairs itself.


Reduce Skin Dryness


Researchers have found that topical use of collagen peptides or collagen supplements may help slow skin aging by holding on to moisture in the skin and reducing wrinkles. 


The production of collagen decreases due to environmental factors and aging that can leave your skin flaky and dry. When you take a collagen supplement, it keeps your skin hydrated. The hydration that collagen gives your skin helps to maintain a radiant and youthful appearance.


Firm and Toned Skin


Products that are part of your beauty regime contain collagen that helps improve the outer skin layer. While collagen supplements are responsible for increasing collagen in the dermis (the inner layer of the main layers of skin). The dermis is an inner layer that is responsible for keeping your skin firm and tight. So if more collagen reaches this inner layer of the skin, your skin will look better in appearance. 


How Long It Takes To See Results:


The topical use of collagen peptides and collagen supplements has numerous benefits for your skin, but you may wait longer to see its results. Normally, it will take at least two months to experience noticeable results. Studies use a minimum of 2 months to assess the effects of collagen on the skin. So if your goal is to have a youthful appearance and toned skin, you should be patient. 



Collagen offers great effects on skin health. If you want to reap the benefits of collagen, buy it from a trusted health supplement provider like Charge Products