Monk Fruit Sugar

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Grams: 250 Grams

250 Grams
500 Grams
1 kilo
2 kilo
5 kilo
10 kilo
15 kilo


With Erythritol

Lowest Price in UK ! 

  • Zero Calories 
  • Aspartame Free 
  • Tooth Friendly 
  • Tastes just like cane sugar
  • Kosher
  • Low to Zero increase blood sugar levels
  • Non Artificial
  • Anti inflammatory
  • Antioxidant

  • Includes Free UK Delivery 
  • We also ship international 
  • Direct from UK Wholesaler 
  • Shipped in Branded Food Certified Resealable Foil Bag
  • Buy Direct from UK Wholesale Supplier 

The Health claims below may not be scientifically proven as yet, as they may not have been updated on the "Health Claims Register".

Although they have been shown in latest study research to "May Help” the following -

Monk fruit, also known as luo han guo, has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for its various health benefits. When used as a sweetener, monk fruit extract offers several advantages over traditional sugar and other artificial sweeteners. Some of the potential health benefits of monk fruit include:

Zero Calories: Monk fruit sweetener contains natural compounds called mogrosides, which provide sweetness but have no calories. This makes it an excellent sugar substitute for those looking to reduce their calorie intake and manage their weight.

Low Glycemic Index: Monk fruit sweetener has a minimal impact on blood sugar levels. It does not raise blood glucose levels like regular sugar does, making it a suitable option for people with diabetes or those who want to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Antioxidant Properties: Monk fruit contains antioxidants known as mogrosides. These antioxidants have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and free-radical scavenging properties, which may help protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Some studies suggest that monk fruit extract may have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially benefiting individuals with inflammatory conditions.

May Support Digestive Health: Monk fruit extract may have mild laxative properties, which could be beneficial for individuals experiencing constipation.

Suitable for People with Certain Allergies: Monk fruit is a natural sweetener and is not related to common allergens like wheat, soy, or nuts. As a result, it can be a suitable sweetener option for people with certain food allergies.

May Support Oral Health: Unlike regular sugar, monk fruit sweetener does not feed the harmful bacteria in the mouth, which can contribute to dental cavities. As a result, it may be less likely to cause tooth decay.

It's essential to note that while monk fruit extract is generally considered safe, individual responses to sweeteners may vary. As with any new food or ingredient, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have specific health concerns or conditions, before incorporating monk fruit into your diet. Additionally, more research is needed to fully understand the long-term health effects of using monk fruit sweetener regularly.

Monk fruit (also known as luo han guo) and erythritol are two different sweeteners commonly used as sugar substitutes in various food and beverage products.

Monk Fruit: Monk fruit sweetener is derived from the extract of the monk fruit, which is a small round fruit (Siraitia grosvenorii) native to Southern China and parts of Southeast Asia. The monk fruit extract is obtained by crushing the fruit and collecting its juice, which is then processed to remove the water and impurities, leaving behind a concentrated sweetener. Monk fruit sweetener is popular because it contains natural compounds called mogrosides, which provide sweetness without adding calories or carbohydrates.

Erythritol: Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that occurs naturally in some fruits, such as grapes and pears, and is also produced through a fermentation process. The commercial production of erythritol involves fermenting glucose derived from cornstarch with specific yeasts or fungi. During this fermentation process, the glucose is converted into erythritol, which is then purified and crystallized. Erythritol is a popular sugar substitute due to its sweetness without contributing many calories or raising blood sugar levels.

Both monk fruit and erythritol are well-known for being low-calorie sweeteners and are used as alternatives to sugar in various food and beverage products, particularly in products targeted at people seeking to reduce their sugar and calorie intake.


Additional Information

250 Grams, 500 Grams, 1 kilo, 2 kilo, 5 kilo, 10 kilo, 15 kilo